Crew List

Saturday, December 12, 2009

You'll Never Walk Alone

I am KOP fans since 98 , the club has won five times Europe's primary club competition which is highest in English record. But they haven't win their English tittle since 1990.. moreover this is the worst season around these 20 yrs.. Who got to blame? the coach ? the american owner?
I feel very upset, hope tmr they can beat the rival arsenal and cope back into top 4 in the league.

final decision

Yeah Right ! After a day discussion my group all agreed to choose fire hydrant as an object.
Why we choose this ???
Becosss.. ppl ignore the hyrant we need to educate them , another thing is to reflect city ppl behaviour

What mood we gonna use? The art direction? blah blah blah...
Can't tell right now ... later on will post the idea we produce ! Plzzz Stay tuned for more information later... cheersss


Thank you guys to add me into the group for the new project !
I really appreciate it ! If i did not good enough for my part , just screw me directly.

The ONE and ONLY

Once again Mr Sean is my new project tutor..maybe this is the sign to hint me work harder."Beliau" put so much effort to teach us all the time ,i hope i won't disappoint him again.Maybe its time to repay back and forgive my past. I will try my best to work harder than the previous and lvl 1 project !